Symbols: Names and uses
Symbol |
Name |
Use |
, |
Comma |
Separates parts of the sentence. |
: |
Colon |
Introduces a list of further information. |
- |
Hyphen |
Joins parts of compound nouns. |
! |
Exclamation mark |
Used after a command, an exclamation or something surprising. |
; |
Semi colon |
Divides 2 independent, but related sentences. |
“ ” |
Quotation marks |
Enclose words of direct speech. |
( ) |
Brackets |
Enclose additional information or references. |
. |
Full stop |
Shows the end of the sentence. |
_ |
Dash |
Indicates a break. |
? |
Question mark |
Used after a direct question. |
‘ |
Apostrophe |
Used in contractions or genitives. |