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Monday, May 31, 2021

What are the benefits of quitting smoking?


What are the benefits of quitting smoking?


Best benefits of quitting smoking are:

>taste and smell better

>The breath smells better

>cuts the risk of lung cancer

>quitting smoking saves money

What’s an adverb ?


What’s an adverb ?



The adverb is a descriptive word that qualifies

(gives greater description) an adjective, a verb

or an other adverb. The adverb can express

a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner,

cause, degree … .

Adding “ly” to the end of an adjective will create

An adverb.

What’s electricity ?


What’s electricity ?



The electricity is the phenomenon of moving

Charged matter or particles through conductors

Like copper, iron, aluminum … .

These charged particles are called “electrons”

What’s the internet ?


What’s the internet ?



The internet, the net or the international network

Is a world wide network of connected gadgets or

Devices like computers, phones … .

These connected devices share through

The internet all kinds of informations .

What’s a continent ?


What’s a continent ?



A continent is a large continuous expanse mass of

Land especially if separated by oceans.

Examples: Asia, Africa, North America, South America,

Europe, Australia and Antarctica.

What’s live streaming software ?


What’s live streaming software ?



Live streaming software is an application or a tool that

Helps users to record videos on live and upload it directly

To their social network without the need of recording it

first then saving it and finally uploading it.

Also they allow real-time (direct or real) chat with their audience.

Is etsy better than fineartamerica

 Is etsy better than fineartamerica ? Well they're both good platforms to buy and sell art. The difference is that listing items publicl...